• All citizens under age 20 have access to free education from kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • Like all other provinces and territories, universal, publicly funded health care is available to all citizens and legal residents of Canada. Services beyond the basic provisions are also available.
  • Saskatchewan is the world’s top exporter of lentils and also supplies more than a third of the world’s durum wheat. It is known as “The Bread Basket of Canada” and “The Wheat Province”
  • Regina is the capital city of Saskatchewan with a population of nearly 217,000 people.
  • Saskatchewan is home to roughly 100,000 lakes. Most tourist attractions include national parks, rivers, and historic sites.
  • Saskatchewan is known as the “land of the living skies”. You can witness some of the world’s most beautiful sunsets and cloud formations.
  • There are three categories to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP):

  • International Skilled Worker Category
  • Saskatchewan Experience Category
  • Entrepreneur and Farm Category


For skilled applicants who are planning to live and work in Saskatchewan


For skilled workers who have received a job offer from an employer in Saskatchewan. Candidates are chosen based on a points system.

The job must be approved by the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)


  • You must be part of the IRCC’s Express Entry pool.
  • Your Express Entry profile number and Job Seeker validation code must be included in the SINP application.
  • Have a letter of invitation.
  • If living in Canada, you must have a legal status
  • Have at least one year of paid work experience in the occupation of interest (within the past 10 years)
  • You must also have one year of relevant post secondary education and/or training comparable to the Canadian education and training standards.
  • Provide language test results.
  • Have sufficient funds to support yourself and settle in Saskatchewan
  • You need to score at least 60 out of 100 points on the point assessment grid.

    Contact us today for a free consultation. One of our advisors can help you calculate your SINP points.


For experienced high skilled workers who can perform jobs that are in high demand in Saskatchewan.

Job offer is not a requirement.


  • If living in Canada, you must have a legal status
  • You must also have one year of relevant post secondary education and/or training comparable to the Canadian education and training standards.
  • Provide language test results.
  • Have sufficient funds to support yourself and settle in Saskatchewan
  • Have at least one year of paid work experience in the occupation in demand (within the past 10 years)
  • You need to score at least 60 out of 100 points on the point assessment grid.

    Contact us today for a free consultation. One of our advisors can help you calculate your SINP points.


Saskatchewan Express Entry allows the province to nominate experienced and skilled foreign nationals who are in the IRCC Express Entry Pool.

There are three federal economic immigration programs:



  • Create an Express Entry profile
  • Have at least one year of paid relevant work experience (within the past 10 years)
  • Have a full-time permanent job offer from a Canadian employer
  • You must also qualify for Arranged Employment in Canada with a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • Federal skilled workers must obtain at least 67 out of 100 points.

    Contact us today for a free consultation. One of our advisors can help you calculate your SINP points.


For persons who have obtained a job offer from an employer in Saskatchewan and who have a relevant certification which allows them to work in any Canadian province or territory (exception – Quebec). Allows the candidate to obtain Canadian permanent residence.


  • Have the skills and experience required to perform the job.
  • At least 2 years of qualified work experience in the last five years.
  • Provide language test results.
  • You must have a job offer from at least two employers in Canada: The job offer should at least be one year in duration Or you must have a Certificate of Qualification from a provincial or territorial body.


For Canada’s foreign workers who wish to become permanent residents


  • Have an Express Entry profile and receive an Invitation to Apply for permanent residency
  • Have at least one year of skilled work experience in Canada (within 36 months of the application date)
  • Provide language test results
  • The Canadian Experience Class requirements are based on a pass or fail model.

    Call us today for a free consultation with one of our professional advisors

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For foreign workers living in Saskatchewan.

  • Existing Work Permit: Individuals with a valid work permit who have been working in Saskatchewan for at least six months.
  • Health Professionals: Individuals working as health care professionals like nurses etc. in Saskatchewan for at least six months.
  • Hospitality Sector Project: For Individuals working in Saskatchewan as cleaning staff, kitchen helpers etc. for at least six months.
  • Long Haul Truck Driver Project: Individuals who have been working as Drivers for trucking firms in Saskatchewan for at least six months.
  • Students: Full- time students who have graduated from an eligible postsecondary institution in Canada.

The student must have also worked in Saskatchewan for at least two years

Call us today and speak to one of our professionals to find out which category best suits your experience and skills.

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  • Entrepreneur: For experienced entrepreneurs who wish to establish and invest in businesses in Saskatchewan. You must take on an active management role in the business.
  • Farm Owners and Operators: For experienced farmers who are willing to settle and invest in Saskatchewan’s farming operations.
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