• Northwestern Territories are one of the best places on earth for viewing the Northern Lights. The Northern lights are one of the most spectacular creations by Mother Nature. For this reason, it is also a major tourist attraction. Watching the sky light up with bright colors is truly breathtaking. Yellowknife is a booming city and also the capital city.
  • The economy of Yellowknife has been rapidly growing over the past few years. The city has been ranked as the 3rd fastest growing economy in Canada.
  • Apart from this, the northwestern territories are also home to a number of beautiful geologic formation, landmarks, national parks, wildlife areas, and rivers.
  • Average family income is $112,400, which attracts skilled workers who also receive bonuses.
  • All citizens under age 20 have access to free education from kindergarten to Grade 12. Aurora College with campuses at Yellowknife, Inuvik and Fort Smith is the major post-secondary institution for students in the Northwestern Territory.
  • Like all other provinces and territories, universal, publicly funded health care is available to all citizens and legal residents of Canada. Services beyond the basic provisions are also available.
  • Yellowknife with its booming economy attracts many immigrants who are able to take advantages of new opportunities within and outside the city.
  • The Northwest Territory is also planning on opening a fairly large number of job positions over the next 15 years. This opportunity is mainly open to skilled workers
  • According to Statistics Canada, the average yearly family income in Yukon in 2014 was 98,540. This helps families maintain a high standard of living.
  • Standard earnings in northwestern territories exceed the Canadian average.


For Candidates who are qualified for one of the federal immigration programs


Applicants must create an online Express Entry profile to express an interest to immigrate. Applications are accessed based on your ability to establish yourself once you immigrate to Canada.


  • Education
  • Language Skills
  • Relevant Work Experience
  • Age
  • Adaptability
  • job Offer

Applicant must obtain at least 67 points based on these selection factors.


Applicants must create an online Express Entry profile to express an interest to immigrate. Applications are accessed based on your ability to establish yourself once you immigrate to Canada.

Call us today for more information about the Federal Skilled Trades category.


Applicants must create an online Express Entry profile to express an interest to immigrate.

For individuals who are already working and have settled in Canada. This sub-category is for Canadian foreign workers who wish to become permanent residents.

The Canadian Experience Class category is one of the fastest paths for international graduates to obtain Canadian permanent residence.

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  • Critical Impact Worker Stream: For applicants who have received a job offer in a semi-skilled or unskilled position from an employer in the Northwestern Territories.
    Applicants must have at least a minimum of six-month work experience.
  • Skilled Worker Stream: For applicants who have received a job offer in skilled position from an employer in the Northwestern Territories.

Call us today for more information about the Employer Driven Programs

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  • Entrepreneur Stream

    For entrepreneurs who plan on establishing a new business in the Northwestern Territories.
    Individuals with business plans that will introduce new product or ideas are given priority.

  • Self Employed Stream

    Self-employed business people who plan on establishing new businesses or professional practices in the Northwestern Territories.

To find out more about the Northwest Territories Program, call us today for a free consultation with one of our professional advisors.

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